Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Just a quick blog entry to say Merry Christmas to all of our family, friends, clients, and followers! We love you all. Have an incredible Christmas holiday!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Long Time...No Blog

Hey NPG following peeps. Sorry things have been so sparse, actually non-existent, this past month and a half. We have been fairly busy with work, life, and, of course, the holidays. So, needless to say, blogging fell off our radar. So sorry!

At any rate, we have been really in a developmental period with NPG. I just got back from Malawi and spent a good deal of time editing images from that project. Hopefully we will have the website updated this weekend with Malawi images. On top of that, we have being actively working on developing our portfolio, specifically in regards to musicians / artists as we have had a lot of recent inquiry about shooting more of that. All that to say, we have been shooting, reading, editing, trying new things, and above all else being creative. Here are a couple samples of our recent work that will be uploaded to the website this weekend as well. Let us know your thoughts on the images...always good to hear what our blog followers have to say.

Again, sorry for the lack of blogging but rest assured that we are back on it!