Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Just a quick blog entry to say Merry Christmas to all of our family, friends, clients, and followers! We love you all. Have an incredible Christmas holiday!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Long Time...No Blog

Hey NPG following peeps. Sorry things have been so sparse, actually non-existent, this past month and a half. We have been fairly busy with work, life, and, of course, the holidays. So, needless to say, blogging fell off our radar. So sorry!

At any rate, we have been really in a developmental period with NPG. I just got back from Malawi and spent a good deal of time editing images from that project. Hopefully we will have the website updated this weekend with Malawi images. On top of that, we have being actively working on developing our portfolio, specifically in regards to musicians / artists as we have had a lot of recent inquiry about shooting more of that. All that to say, we have been shooting, reading, editing, trying new things, and above all else being creative. Here are a couple samples of our recent work that will be uploaded to the website this weekend as well. Let us know your thoughts on the images...always good to hear what our blog followers have to say.

Again, sorry for the lack of blogging but rest assured that we are back on it!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Hey everyone! I am sitting here in South Africa on my way to Malawi. I decided that I would try to blog as much as I can along the way so make sure you check out the new blog site for this trip . Thanks! Love to all of you guys back in the states.

Monday, October 20, 2008

NPG Finishing Bridal Fashion Shoot

Just wanted to let those of you out there in the blogosphere know that NPG is finishing the edits of the images for the bridal fashion section of the January edition of Premier Bride. More images to come very soon! Here is one of the images that will not be in the fashion piece, but still a great image.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

NPG Finishes Fashion Shoot For Nashville Premier Bride Magazine

On thursday October 9, Nashville Photography Group shot the fashion section for the January 2009 issue of Premier Bride, one ofe the leading bridal publications in the southeast United States.

The fashion spread was shot on location at Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Various wedding vendors from the greater Nashville area participated by providing the dresses and floral arrangements for the shoot.

A special thanks goes out to the models from AMAX Talent Agency, Uli Reyes and his fantastic team of hair stylists from Unruli (An Aveda Concept Salon), Shana and her team of talented makeup artists from Harlow Salon, Angie Commons and Julie Wichlinkski from Premier Bride, and Karen Burnett and the entire staff at Gaylord Opryland! You all were an incredible team to work with!

Images from the shoot will come available with the release of the January 2009 edition of Premier Bride.

Vote for Image Submitted to JPG Magazine!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Isaac & Tiffany Encinas - September 27, 2008 - Santa Barbara, CA

NPG would like to congratulate Isaac and Tiffany Encinas!  Isaac and Tiffany got married on September 27, 2008 in Santa Barbara, CA.  

This wedding was an incredibly fun wedding to shoot, all the while being incredibly challenging with the intense light of the sun at the beach.  What started out as a gray overcast day turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day in California!

Thank you Tiffany and Isaac for allowing us the share your special day with you!

NPG Shoots Peoples Church Live Recording

Yesterday, the People's Church in Franklin, TN recorded a live worship CD and Nashville Photography Group was there taking photos for the CD artwork.  Got a lot of great shots of an amazing evening!  

Congrats to Michael, Chad, Joel, Luke, and the rest of the TPC worship department on a job well done.  Great original material!  We will update you when the CD is released!  We are looking forward to it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Josh and Christin Waters - September 20, 2008 , Nashville, TN

Caleb, Jeb, and the rest of the NPG staff would like to congratulate Josh and Christin Waters on the new marriage!  Josh and Christin got married last saturday, September 20, 2008 at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nashville, TN.

It was an absolutely amazing and beautiful ceremony!  The reception, held at Hillwood Country Club, was incredibly elegant and a great celebration!  

Congrats again to Josh and Christin!  We wish you guys many happy years together!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Messing Around With Textures

So last night I decided that I was going to do a little bit of "experimenting" with some lighting and textures.  I asked my brother-in-law Josh to be a stand in model for me.  He did a great job...and at any rate, thought I would share.

Friday, August 29, 2008

NPG Gets Fashion Shoot For Nashville Premier Bride Jan 2009 Edition

Exciting things happening in our world this week!  Following a great showing at Weddings The Bridal Show this past weekend,  the company that produces that bridal show, Premier Bride Magazine, and The Pink Book, has asked NPG to shoot the entire fashion section of the upcoming January 2009 edition of Premier Bride.  We will be working with Gaylord Opryland Resort for the shoot, as well as professional modeling agencies, and other fashion professionals.  We should be shooting this project in the next 45 days so check back soon for a sneak peak at the images as we finish them!

Caleb Magnino / NPG Asked To Be Contributing Pro Photo Bloggers

Last week Caleb received an invitation to be a contributing pro photo blogger on a Nashville bridal blog site, . He will be the contributing photography professional to the blog posting a new blog entry every friday.  The purpose of this blog is to engage brides to be as they endure the wedding planning process and give them little bits of useful information and advice.  We are excited that Jacob Marketing Inc. and the Nashville Pink Book extended such a great opportunity to NPG!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

NPG debut at "Weddings The Bridal Show" in Nashville, TN

NPG was proud to be a part of "Weddings the Bridal Show" in Nashville, TN.  This was actually our first bridal show here in Nashville!  We wanted to make a lasting impression on the brides and their guests, the hosting company, and fellow vendors.  From what we heard, we accomplished what we set out to do!  Thanks again to all who visited with us today!  We look forward to hearing from you all again soon and working with some of you on your wedding photography!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

NPG Completes Initial Shots for "Greater Love" Campaign for Peoples Church, Franklin, TN

Last week we received an email from a designer friend of ours who works with us many projects with The Peoples Church in Franklin, TN.  Long story short...we had about 5 days to shoot some "epic" images.  They wanted images that were epic in nature, and, in some cases, could convey the idea of "greater love" as it relates to at home, in our community, and to the world.  

So...we set out to produce the images that TPC was looking for.  Thought we would share some of our final product.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Welcome to the official blog of Nashville Photography Group

So yeah....we here at NPG have finally decided to follow suit with the rest of the known universe and start our own official blog.  Many folks have written and asked us to keep them informed with what we are doing and to share some of our latest work with them as it comes off the editing desk.

Sure, we may be a little late getting on the blog train, but late is better than never I guess.  Make sure that you keep checking back for the latest about NPG, our latest images, and just flat cool or funny postings.  Until then....